Chess in the Workplace
Chess as a tool for the WORKPLACE
CHESS in the Workplace with a little bit of imagination:
Úna is available for workshops and classes in your place of work or community in English or in Irish.
Suggested workshops:
Weekly chess workshop.
6 to 10 workshops, 45 minutes to one hour each should bring players to a competitive understanding involving strategy, tactics, spacial awareness, social skills and chess etiquette, and fun of course.
One full day workshop involving many groups working and competing together.
Other ideas welcome
Benefits of CHESS in the WORKPLACE
Stress Management
Develops problem solving skills
Develops calm and methodical thinking yet punctual
Creative thinking
Social interaction
Chess in the Health Sector

Chess as a tool for mind health
CHESS in the place of rehabilitation for young and old with a little bit of imagination:
Úna is available for workshops and classes in your health based community in English or in Irish.
Suggested workshops:
Weekly chess workshop with individuals or small groups.
6-10 workshops, 45 minutes to one hour each should bring players to a competitive understanding involving strategy, tactics, spacial awareness, social skills and chess etiquette, and fun of course.
One full day workshop with chess players working and competing together.
Other ideas welcome
Benefits of CHESS in the HEALTH SECTOR
Promotes brain growth
Exercises both sides of the brain
Helps prevent Alzheimer’s
Sparks your creativity
Increases problem-solving skills
Teaches planning and foresight
Improves reading skills
Optimizes memory improvement
Improves recovery from stroke or disability
As documented in this article