Chess in Secondary Schools
Chess secretly teaches ...
CHESS in EDUCATION with a little bit of imagination:
Úna is available for workshops and classes in secondary schools in English or in Irish.
Suggested workshops:
Transition year tutoring - 50 minutes to 1 hour once a week.
Weekly in-class chess workshop.
Six to ten workshops, 45 minutes to one hour each should bring young adults to a competitive understanding involving strategy, tactics, spacial awareness, social skills and chess etiquette, and fun of course.
One full school day workshop involving many classes working and playing together.
After school or lunchtime club - creating tournaments, simultaneous exhibitions and activities in a relaxed atmosphere.
Other ideas welcome
Seeing young minds come alive and burst with an enthusiasm of problem solving and kindness towards their fellow students enthuses my own mind to follow and feed their incredibly positive energy. From my work organising workshops and tournaments I've grown to understand what compels a child to want to think and support their fellow students. I have always organised tournaments as competing teams representing their schools or counties. The team play encourages empathy. In workshops many surprises arise as the quiet understated child can often fulfill their brightest and flourish with the greatest education tool that is chess. - Úna O Boyle